Run management agent ILM 2007

28 мая 2009 г.
Posted by Admin

Мы настроили ILM 2007 для синхронизации AD c eDirectory и Sun ONE Directory. Теперь постала задача регулярно выполнять MA (management agent).

Вариант 1

Создать скрипт для каждого профиля агента.

profiles MA

Получим следующий скрипт:

Const PktPrivacy = 6
rem Const wbemAuthenticationLevelPkt = 6
Set Locator = CreateObject("WbemScripting.SWbemLocator")
rem Credentials must only be specified when Microsoft Identity Integration Server is on remote system.
rem Locator.Security_.AuthenticationLevel = wbemAuthenticationLevelPkt
rem Set Service = Locator.ConnectServer("MyServer", "root/MicrosoftIdentityIntegrationServer")
rem Set Service = Locator.ConnectServer("MyServer", "root/MicrosoftIdentityIntegrationServer", "Domain\Me", "MyPassword")
Set Service = GetObject("winmgmts:{authenticationLevel=PktPrivacy}!root/MicrosoftIdentityIntegrationServer")
Set MASet   = Service.ExecQuery("select * from MIIS_ManagementAgent where Guid = '{12B4583D-C2D8-43A1-BF48-28651247DE41}'")
for each MA in MASet
    WScript.Echo "Running " + + ".Execute(""Full Import-Full Synchronization"")..."
    WScript.Echo "Run completed with result: " + MA.Execute("Full Import-Full Synchronization")

Объединив все профили всех МА в один скрипт.

Вариант 2

Воспользоваться утилитой MASequencer.exe из MIIS 2003 Resource Tool Kit, предварительно создав XML конфиг утилитой MAConfigurationViewer.exe


и запускать MASequencer.exe с параметром /F:<имя конфига>

Вариант 3

создать 2-ва скрипта. Сами скрипты взяты с примеров у Microsoft


@echo off
rem Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
set zworkdir=%~dp0
pushd %zworkdir%
cscript runMA.vbs /m:"MA_Active_Directory" /p:"Full Import-Full Synchronization"
if {%errorlevel%} NEQ {0} (echo Error[%errorlevel%]: command file failed) & (goto exit_script)
cscript runMA.vbs /m:"MA_Sun" /p:"Full Import-Full Synchronization"
if {%errorlevel%} NEQ {0} (echo Error[%errorlevel%]: command file failed) & (goto exit_script)
cscript runMA.vbs /m:"MA_Novell" /p:"Full Import-Full Synchronization"
if {%errorlevel%} NEQ {0} (echo Error[%errorlevel%]: command file failed) & (goto exit_script)
cscript runMA.vbs /m:"MA_Active_Directory" /p:"Export"
if {%errorlevel%} NEQ {0} (echo Error[%errorlevel%]: command file failed) & (goto exit_script)
cscript runMA.vbs /m:"MA_Sun" /p:"Export"
if {%errorlevel%} NEQ {0} (echo Error[%errorlevel%]: command file failed) & (goto exit_script)
cscript runMA.vbs /m:"MA_Novell" /p:"Export"
if {%errorlevel%} NEQ {0} (echo Error[%errorlevel%]: command file failed) & (goto exit_script)


option explicit
on error resume next
'SCRIPT:        runMA.vbs
'DATE:          2003-02-05
'= Copyright (C) 2003 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
'* Function: DisplayUsage
'* Purpose:  Displays the usage of the script and exits ths script
Sub DisplayUsage()
        WScript.Echo ""
        WScript.Echo "Usage: runMa </m:ma-name> </p:profile-name>"
        WScript.Echo "                [/s:mms-server-name]"
        WScript.Echo "                [/u:user-name]"
        WScript.Echo "                [/a:password]"
        WScript.Echo "                [/v] Switch on Verbose mode"
        WScript.Echo "                [/?] Show the Usage of the script"
        WScript.Echo ""
        WScript.Echo "Example 1: runMa /m:adma1 /p:fullimport"
        WScript.Echo "Example 2: runMa /m:adma1 /p:fullimport /u:domain\user /a:mysecret /v"
        WScript.Quit (-1)
End Sub
' Script Main Execution Starts Here
'--Used Variables--------------------------
dim s
dim runResult
dim rescode
dim managementagentName
dim profile
dim verbosemode
dim wmiLocator
dim wmiService
dim managementagent
dim server
dim username
dim password
rescode = ParamExists("/?")
if rescode = true then call DisplayUsage
verbosemode = ParamExists("/v")
managementagentName = ParamValue("/m")
if managementagentName = "" then call DisplayUsage
profile = ParamValue("/p")
if profile = "" then call DisplayUsage
if verbosemode then wscript.echo "%Info: Management Agent and Profile is <"& managementagentName &":"& profile &">"
if verbosemode then wscript.Echo "%Info: Getting WMI Locator object"
set wmiLocator = CreateObject("WbemScripting.SWbemLocator")
if err.number <> 0 then
        wscript.echo "%Error: Cannot get WMI Locator object"
end if
server = ParamValue("/s")
password = ParamValue("/a")
username = ParamValue("/u")
if server = "" then server = "." ' connect to WMI on local machine
if verbosemode then
        wscript.Echo "%Info: Connecting to MMS WMI Service on <" & server &">"
        if username <> "" then wscript.Echo "%Info: Accessing MMS WMI Service as <"& username &">"
end if
if username = "" then
        set wmiService = wmiLocator.ConnectServer(server, "root/MicrosoftIdentityIntegrationServer")
        set wmiService = wmiLocator.ConnectServer(server, "root/MicrosoftIdentityIntegrationServer", username, password)
end if
if err.number <> 0 then
        wscript.echo "%Error: Cannot connect to MMS WMI Service <" & err.Description & ">"
end if
if verbosemode then wscript.Echo "%Info: Getting MMS Management Agent via WMI"
Set managementagent = wmiService.Get( "MIIS_ManagementAgent.Name='" & managementagentName & "'")
if err.number <> 0 then
        wscript.echo "%Error: Cannot get Management Agent with specified WMI Service <" & err.Description & ">"
end if
wscript.echo "%Info: Starting Management Agent with Profile <"& &":"& profile &">"
runResult = managementagent.Execute(profile)
if err.number <> 0 then
        wscript.Echo "%Error: Running MA <"& err.Description & ">. Make sure the correct profile name is specified."
end if
wscript.Echo "%Info: Finish Running Management Agent"
wscript.Echo "%Result: <" & CStr(runResult) & ">"
'* Function: ParamValue
'* Purpose:  Parses the command line for an argument and
'*           returns the value of the argument to the caller
'*           Argument and value must be seperated by a colon
'* Arguments:
'*  [in]     parametername      name of the paramenter
'* Returns:  
'*           STRING      Parameter found in commandline
'*           ""         Parameter NOT found in commandline
Function ParamValue(ParameterName)
        Dim i                   '* Counter
        Dim Arguments           '* Arguments from the command-line command
        Dim NumberofArguments   '* Number of arguments from the command-line command
        Dim ArgumentArray       '* Array in which to store the arguments from the command-line
        Dim TemporaryString     '* Utility string
        '* Initialize Return Value to e the Empty String
        ParamValue = ""
        '* If no ParameterName is passed into the function exit
        if ParameterName = "" then exit function
        '* Check if Parameter is in the Arguments and return the value
        Set Arguments = WScript.Arguments
        NumberofArguments = Arguments.Count - 1
        For i=0 to NumberofArguments
                TemporaryString = Arguments(i)
                ArgumentArray = Split(TemporaryString,":",-1,vbTextCompare)
                If ArgumentArray(0) = ParameterName Then
                      ParamValue = ArgumentArray(1)
                      exit function
                End If
end Function
'* Function: ParamExists
'* Purpose:  Parses the command line for an argument and
'*           returns the true if argument is present
'* Arguments:
'*  [in]     parametername      name of the paramenter
'* Returns:  
'*           true       Parameter found in commandline
'*           false      Parameter NOT found in commandline
Function ParamExists(ParameterName)
        Dim i                   '* Counter
        Dim Arguments           '* Arguments from the command-line command
        Dim NumberofArguments   '* Number of arguments from the command-line command
        Dim ArgumentArray       '* Array in which to store the arguments from the command-line
        Dim TemporaryString     '* Utility string
        '* Initialize Return Value to e the Empty String
        ParamExists = false
        '* If no ParameterName is passed into the function exit
        if ParameterName = "" then exit function
        '* Check if Parameter is in the Arguments and return the value
        Set Arguments = WScript.Arguments
        NumberofArguments = Arguments.Count - 1
        For i=0 to NumberofArguments
                TemporaryString = Arguments(i)
                If TemporaryString = ParameterName Then
                      ParamExists = true
                      exit function
                End If
end Function

И запускаем MA-Runs.cmd

Какой бы вариант мы не выбрали, нужно создать scheduled job и запускать от имени пользователя являющимся членом группы MIISOperators
